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Become compliant, get certified, stay secure.


Information Security {ISO 27001} Privacy Management {ISO 27701} Business Continuity {ISO 22301}

Services Management {ISO 20000-1} GDPR Compliance | Payment Security {PCI DSS}, Entertainment Content Security {MPA CSP}

all within your reach.

Our Business

We are not innovators, not in the typical sense of the word. We are however reliable, cost effective and we do understand our trade really well. The majority of very small and small businesses, that we've worked with, run on several constraints such as restricted budgets for non-essentials and DIY practices for basic IT and IT security tasks. At the same time small businesses are innovators, embracing technology much faster than their medium size "counterparts", while both categories often compete for the same business, on a increasingly regulated environment. Small businesses, in particular, look more for one-stop shops to cover all IT, cyber security and compliance needs, ignoring Sun Tzu's famous Art of War paraphrased quote: "by reinforcing every part, we weaken every part". At Velocity Check we specialise in three areas. Spearheading all size cyber security compliance programs, managing the entire certification process and securing systems, processes and data. 

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Certification process

As an option companies may want to validate their compliance against a security standard. The reasons vary, but from our experience it can be mostly attributed to internal and external interested parties "pressure". From internal sales teams bidding for government tenders to data security "sensitive" customers and vendors like insurers and payment brands, security certificates play an important role in winning new business, establishing trust between parties and maintaining relationships with vendors. In most countries, ISO security management system standards are voluntary, until a compliant management system is audited and certified by an Accredited Conformity Assessment Body. Then, for the duration of the certification cycle the requirements of the management system are mandatory. TUV Austria Hellas is VELOCITY's preferred Conformity Assessment Body, accredited by the Hellenic Accreditation System, a Member Organization of MLA signatories IAF/ILAC and EA for performing, inter alia, 3rd party ISO management systems standards certification audits, although we are open to working with Certification Bodies Accredited by the UK Accreditation System i.e., UKAS or by any other Accreditation System for that matter. 

Cyber security practice

After many years of applying ourselves as information and cyber security practitioners, we understand that securing systems, processes and data effectively, requires a risk based approach. The problem seems to be which risk model to apply. Qualitative or quantitive risk analysis? Based on threat scenarios or driven by business impact? There is no consensus among security practitioners, and therefore the most "depreciated" evidence in a security audit is the output of the security risk assessment. Our approach delivers a "security injection at the heart of a company". We analyse the means, opportunity and motives of threat actors and we combine them with real world, categorised, security vulnerabilities to come up with a detailed threat scenario. We then add to our risk formula monetary and reputational business impact values to extract the level of risk. It doesn't sound innovative, but it is effective. The level of risk is "translated" to a practical scale of priority. The threat scenario is driving the implementation of technical and organisational preventative, detective and corrective security controls and the business impact is "telling" us how to advise you in managing your company's cyber security risk. 

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Our Partners

Big tech companies, Certification Bodies, specialised cyber security providers and systems integrators have trusted Velocity Check to promote their products and services. 


Velocity's Blog

We blog about compliance, certification and cyber security matters.

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